Sunday, January 15, 2023

Update from sick-bay

I got sick first, but my husband's the one with COVID.  I tested negative on both Tuesday's and Friday's PCR tests.  I also tested negative for the flu.  Go figure.  So while I started in the bedroom and my husband started in the living room, now *I'm* sleeping in the living room, while my husband is sleeping in our bedroom, where he can close the door.  We're walking around the apartment in N95 masks to keep from trading germs back and forth.  We're doing both our shul-hopping and our grocery shopping online for another week (or longer, if my husband gets a "Paxlovid rebound.")  But neither of us has had a fever for several days.  It could be worse.


Blogger Shira Salamone said...

From Facebook (too many comments to post individually):

Shira Salamone
Gail Silberman, Steve Silberman, Ed Silberman, Margit Novack, Barton Lessin, Sara Feldman, Rokhl Wetter, Rachel D. Goldenberg, Eileen Pentel, Lanie Bergman, Ginger Ignatoff, Miriam Harris, Barry Nostradamus Sher, Donne G. Kampel, Shoshana Yehudah

Myron Bassman
Wishing you Paul fast healing.

Shira Salamone
Myron Bassman , thanks!

Rachel D. Goldenberg
Oh gosh, I'm sending you both prayers for refuah shleimah!! Let me know if you need anything - I'm around!

Shira Salamone
Rachel D. Goldenberg , thanks! I'll contact you tomorrow.

Ginger Ignatoff
No fun having it, no fun at all. Elisha and I both missed getting it when both kids, their husbands, and the baby grandson had it (Missed granddaughter too.) We'd all been together Saturday and Sunday before, and they all came down with it within a couple of days of each other. With no rhyme or reason yet found for who gets it and who doesn't, yet knowing so many people getting it now, ???? We feel if one of us gets it both of us will -- probably the way you feel too.
Refuah shleimah to you both.

Shira Salamone
Ginger Ignatoff , I guess our luck ran out. 🙂 I may still get it from the hubby, depending, perhaps, on whether the masking works.

Gail Silberman
Wishing you and Paul a complete recovery. Hoping Elliott remains healthy.

Shira Salamone
Gail Silberman , thanks, and from your mouth to G!d's ear.

Aliza M Hausman
We just recovered from COVID. My daughter Sofi brought it home from school. My nanny and I got it, my son, husband and sister did not.

Shira Salamone
We'll continue wearing masks in our apartment for another few days in the hope of stopping the spread of both my husband's COVID--he's now off Paxlovid--and my garden-variety virus. And we recommend that procedure--neither of us has caught the other's virus. I hope all of you stay well.

Lanie Bergman
Refuah shleimah

Shira Salamone
Lanie Bergman , from your mouth to G!d's ear--my husband just tested positive again. 😢 I'm still negative, but still have whatever virus this is. We're all still masked and socially-distancing.

Wed Jan 18, 02:48:00 PM 2023  

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